Automatic Order Emails on Order Creation
Jayneel Patel
It's Live
Healthy Hemp Team
I would like to see this for orders created on Ordehive as a setting you can turn on or off. I also would like to ensure that notiications would not be automatically sent out when an integration (that already sends out it's own notications) has it's orders synced into Orderhive. Thanks!
Jayneel Patel
Merged in a post:
Create automated actions - e.g. send emails for orders created in orderhive
Digital Converters
We occasionally create orders manually on OrderHive and it would be useful to have a feature so when that order is dispatched, an automatic email is sent to the customer.
I can think of loads of different situations where automatic emails/actions would be very useful feature in OrderHive.
MMJ Labs
Accidentally duplicated this. Yes this please!